• Employe


    From French employé.

    Full definition of employe



    (plural employes)
    1. Alternative spelling of employee
      • 1920, Conference proceedings of the National Electric Light Association Convention, National Independent Meat Packers Association, For that clerk, in the eyes of the people who come to you for service, is not merely an employe.
      • 1935, Education Digest, As soon as a qualified substitute can be obtained, he should, upon the request of an employe, recommend him for release from his contract.
      • 1922, Lila Bell Acheson Wallace and De Witt Wallace, The Readers Digest, Bring the same relationship we used to enjoy in the firm of 50 years ago when the employe used to kick the boss's door open and say: 'Joe, I just discovered ...'.
      • 1859, Transactions of the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, In his endeavor to justify a radical action, the employe often carries his grievance so far that an element of the ridiculous enters into his arguments ....
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