• Enoch


    From Late Latin Enoch, from Ancient Greek Ενωχ, from Hebrew חֲנוֹךְ.

    Full definition of Enoch

    Proper noun


    (plural Enochs)
    1. In the Bible, one of the few people recorded as being taken by God before death.
      • Authorized Version|Genesis|5|24:And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
    2. Enoch was the son of Awan and Cain; and was Noah's great grandfather.
    3. The title of three apocryphal books of the Bible.
    4. (rare) of biblical origin.
      • 1864 Alfred Tennyson: Enoch Arden:There Enoch spoke no word to any one,But homeward - home - what home? had he a home? -He walked.


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