• Epicurean


    • UK IPA: /ËŒepɪkjʊəˈriːən/
    • US IPA: /ËŒepɪkjʊˈriːən/


    From Epicurean ("follower of Epicureanism").

    Full definition of epicurean



    1. pursuing pleasure, especially in reference to food or comfort
      • 1847, George Frederick Augustus Ruxton, Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains (page 267)The powers of the Canadian voyageurs and hunters in the consumption of meat strike the greenhorn with wonder and astonishment; and are only equalled by the gastronomical capabilities exhibited by Indian dogs, both following the same plan in their epicurean gorgings.
    2. devoted to luxurious living



    (plural epicureans)
    1. one who is devoted to pleasure

    Usage notes

    Modern accepted use of the terms epicurean and Epicureanism refers often to the appreciation of, and indulgement in, good food (gourmet), luxury, hedonism, and sensual pleasure. This strays significantly from the original philosophic intent of Epicureanism. The philosophy indeed elevated pleasure and happiness as the most worthy pursuit, but specifically warned against fine food and frequent sex, for it could lead to dissatisfaction later. Instead, the goal was a long-term pleasure, marked by serenity and temperance, achieved through moderation rather than indulging. Modern senses of gourmet, luxury, hedonism, sensual pleasure and lust are mostly in contrast with the original ancient teachings.

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