• Felicity


    From Old French felicite, from Latin felicitās ("luck"), from Latin felix ("lucky").

    Full definition of felicity



    1. Happiness.
      • w, w:Mansfield Park Chapter 1, ... and Mr. and Mrs. Norris began their career of conjugal felicity with very little less than a thousand a year.
    2. Apt and pleasing style in writing, speech, etc.
    3. Something that is either a source of happiness or particularly apt.
    4. (Semiotics/semiology) Reproduction of a sign with fidelity. eg. "The quotation was rendered with felicity."
      • 2007, August 7, Joshua Ferris, Table for Two, The season’s main attraction, the felicities of the sun, dimmed in the light of our competition and our growing friendliness.


    Derived terms

    Terms derived from "felicity"
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