• Finagle


    • UK IPA: /fɪˈneɪ.É¡É™l/
    • Rhymes: -eɪɡəl


    Americanism from the 1920s, perhaps combining an alteration of fainaigue ("to renege") with the suffix + -le("frequentive");

    Online Etymology Dictionary

    compare haggle.

    Full definition of finagle


    1. (transitive) To obtain, arrange, or achieve by indirect and usually deceitful methods....finagle a day off from work.
      • 2012, May 24, Nathan Rabin, Film: Reviews: Men In Black 3, Sequels to fish-out-of-water comedies make progressively less sense the longer a series continues. By the time Crocodile Dundee In Los Angeles rolled around in 2001, 15 years after the first Crocodile Dundee became a surprise blockbuster, the title character had been given an awfully long time to grow acclimated to those kooky Americans. Men In Black 3 finagles its way out of this predicament by literally resetting the clock with a time-travel premise that makes Will Smith both a contemporary intergalactic cop in the late 1960s and a stranger to Josh Brolin, who plays the younger version of Smith’s stone-faced future partner, Tommy Lee Jones.
    2. (ambitransitive) To cheat or swindle; to use crafty, deceitful methods. (often with "out of" preceding the object)...shady stockbrokers who finagle their clients out of fortunes.

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