• Fitfully



    fitful + -ly

    Full definition of fitfully



    1. In a fitful manner; irregularly or unsteadily.He slept fitfully, plagued by bad dreams and a persistent cough.
      • 1851, Herman Melville, Moby Dick,The cabin lamp—taking long swings this way and that— was burning fitfully, and casting fitful shadows upon the old man’s bolted door ...
      • 1886, Henry James, The Bostonians,The train for Marmion left Boston at four o'clock in the afternoon, and rambled fitfully toward the southern cape, while the shadows grew long in the stony pastures ...
      • 1904, Jack London, The Sea Wolf,We shivered miserably throughout the night. Now and again fitfully slept, but the pain of the cold always aroused me.
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