• Flip-flop


    • enPR: flÄ­p'flŏp", IPA: /ˈflɪpËŒflÉ’p/

    Alternative forms


    Onomatopoetic: most probably an imitation of the sound produced when walking in them.

    Full definition of flip-flop



    (plural flip-flops)
    1. (US) An instance of flip-flopping, of repeatedly changing one's stated opinion about a matter. from 19th c.
    2. (computing, electronics) An electronic switching circuit that has either two stable states (switching between them in response to a trigger) or a stable and an unstable state (switching from one to the other and back again in response to a trigger), and which is thereby capable of serving as one bit of memory. from 20th c.
      • 2012, George Dyson, Turing's Cathedral, Penguin 2013, p. 72:Ten two-state flip-flops … were formed into ten-stage ring counters representing each decimal digit in the ten-digit accumulators ….
    3. A sandal, usually of rubber, secured to the foot by two straps mounted between the big toe and its neighbour. from 20th c.



    1. To alternate back and forth between directly opposite opinions, ideas, or decisions.----
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