• Flyer


    • Rhymes: -aɪə(r)

    Alternative forms


    {1} + -er

    Full definition of flyer



    (plural flyers)
    1. A machine that flies.
    2. Someone who pilots or rides in an airplane.
    3. A leaflet, often for advertising.
    4. The part of a spinning machine that twists the thread as it takes it to, and winds it on the bobbin
    5. (architecture) An arch that connects a flying buttress into the structure it supports.
    6. (cheerleading) A cheerleader who is airborne for a stunt.
    7. (firearms) a stray shot away from the group on a target.
    8. A standard rectangular step of a staircase (as opposed to a winder).
    9. A female kangaroo; a roo; a doe; a jill.
    10. A leap or jump.
    11. A risky investment or other venture.


    Derived terms


    1. (intransitive) To distribute flyers (leaflets).
    2. (transitive) To distribute flyers in (a location) or to (recipients).


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