• Forehand


    • UK IPA: /fɔːhænd/
    • US IPA: /fɔːɹhænd/

    Full definition of forehand



    (plural forehands)
    1. (racket sports) A stroke in which the palm of the hand faces the direction of the stroke
    2. (disc sports) A throw similar to a sidearm throw in baseball, where the disc remains on the throwing-arm side of the body and is led by the middle finger
    3. All of the part of a horse which is before the rider.
    4. The chief or most important part.
    5. Superiority; advantage; start; precedence.
      • ShakespeareAnd, but for ceremony, such a wretch ...
        Had the forehand and vantage of a king.


    • (kind of throw in sports) flick


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