Authorized Version|Romans|11|2God hath not cast away his people which he foreknew.
1652, Thomas Vaughan (philosopher), The Fame and ConfeÅ¿Å¿ion of the Fraternity of R: C: Commonly, of the RoÅ¿ie CroÅ¿s; with a Præface annexed thereto, and a Å¿hort Declaration of their PhyÅ¿icall Work (London, Printed by J. M. for Giles Calvert, at the black Å¿pread Eagle at the WeÅ¿t end of Pauls), pages 1–2 of “The EpiÅ¿tle to the WiÅ¿e and UnderÅ¿tanding Readerâ€WiÅ¿dom…is to a man an infinite TreaÅ¿ure, for Å¿he is the Breath of the Power of God, and a pure Influence that floweth from the Glory of the Almighty; Å¿he is the BrightneÅ¿s of Eternal Light, and an undefiled Mirror of the MajeÅ¿ty of God, and an Image of his GoodneÅ¿s; Å¿he teacheth us SoberneÅ¿s and Prudence, RighteouÅ¿neÅ¿s and Strength; Å¿he underÅ¿tands the Subtilty of words, and Solution of dark Å¿entences; Å¿he foreknoweth Signs and Wonders, and what Å¿hall happen in time to come.