1601, Thomas Campion, ‘So tyr'd are all my thoughts’:How are my powres fore-spoke? what strange distaste is this?
1971, Keith Thomas, Religion and the Decline of Magic, Folio Society 2012, p. 180:Thus if any inhabitant of mid-sixteenth-century Maidstone suspected that he had been forspoken, he would go off for advice to one Kiterell, a sorcerer who lived at Bethersden ….
(transitive, UK dialectal, Northern England, Scotland) To injure or cause bad luck through immoderatepraise or flattery; affect with the curse of an evil tongue, which brings ill luck upon all objects of its praise.
(transitive, obsolete) To forbid; prohibit. 15th-19th c.Thou hast forspoke my being in these wars, And say'st, it is not fit. ― Shakespeare.