• Fruitless


    fruit + -less

    Full definition of fruitless



    1. Useless; unproductive.The unskilled man's attempt at fixing his car engine was fruitless.
    2. Bearing no fruit; barren.The fruitless woman desperately wanted to have children.
    3. (rare) Without fruit.
      • 1923, The Homestead (issues 386-410, page 33)The first fruits of the season were eagerly sought after, and everybody was thankful that once more dread winter with its unvarying monotony of fruitless meals was a thing of the past.
      • 1966, Joseph Irving Goodman, Diet and live (page 14)... the many individual claims as to the ideal diet, for instance, the high-carbohydrate diet, the milkless diet, the breadless diet, the meatless diet, the fruit diet or the fruitless diet, the high-protein or the low-protein diet, and innumerable variations.


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