• Fœderal

    Full definition of fœderal



    1. Obsolete spelling of en
      • Grew Cosmologia Sacra|chapter=Of Providence over Publick States|para=27|page=113|passage=Yet the Romans, taking them Carthaginians at an Advantage, vvhen they vvere in Streights; compell'd them, contrary to all Fœderal Right and Ju?tice, by Nevv Articles, both to part with Sardinia, their Lavvful Territory, and al?o to pay them for the future, a Double Tribute.
      • 1791, Nabob of Arcot against the East India Company, It would have been material perhaps to this point of argument to have averred this, becau?e it will be an important con?ideration how far tho?e fœderal engagements made in India will bind the country.


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