• Generative


    • enPR: jÄ•n'É™r-É™-tÄ­v, IPA: /ˈdÊ’enÉ™rÉ™tɪv/


    Compare French génératif.

    Full definition of generative



    1. Having the power of generating, propagating, originating, or producing.
      • That generative particle. — Bentley
      • 1988, Andrew Radford, Transformational grammar: a first courseOf course, structures like those associated with (36) and (37) constitute only a tiny subset of the infinite set of well-formed sentence structures found in English. We can increase the Generative Capacity of our grammar ( = the set of structures which it generates) either by expanding the Lexicon on the one hand, or by expanding the Categorial Rules (i.e. Phrase Structure Rules) on the other.

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