• Gest

    Origin 1

    From Middle French geste.

    Full definition of gest



    (plural gests)
    1. (obsolete) A gesture or action.
      • Spenser Faerie Queene, II.ix:They did obeysaunce, as beseemed right,
        And then againe returned to their restes:
        The Porter eke to her did lout with humble gestes.
      • 1603, John Florio, translating Michel de Montaigne, Essays, II.36:more Kings and Princes have written his gestes and actions, than any other historians, of what quality soever, have registred the gests, or collected the actions of any other King or Prince that ever was ....
    2. (archaic) A story or adventure; a verse or prose romance.
    3. (archaic) An action represented in sports, plays, or on the stage; show; ceremony.
    4. (archaic) bearing; deportment
      • Spenserthrough his heroic grace and honorable gest

    Origin 2

    Compare gist a resting place.



    (plural gests)
    1. (obsolete) A stage in travelling; a stop for rest or lodging in a journey; a rest.
    2. (obsolete) A roll reciting the several stages arranged for a royal progress.


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