• Gnarly


    • UK IPA: /ˈnɑːli/
    • US enPR: närʹli, IPA: /ˈnÉ‘rli/


    gnarl + -y.

    In slang senses, particularly popularized by US surf culture in the 1970s.

    Online Etymology Dictionary

    Full definition of gnarly



    1. having or characterized by gnarls; gnarledOn the right of the station were two gnarly cottonwood trees... — Mark Goodwin, Last Words
    2. (US slang) dangerousWhen the swell struck, the North Shore got gnarly, and the wise ones hit the outer islands where the energy was just as juicy but a bit more organized.Surfer Magazine, March 1977
    3. (US slang) unpleasant, awful, uglyWe're not talking about a lame chick and a gnarly guy. We're talking about a couple of far-out dudes. — D. Jenkins, Baja Oklahoma
    4. (slang) excellent, attractive"There ain't nothing gnarlier (apparently) than slapping on some brightly coloured sunblock to ward off the blinding spectre of dangerous, snow-reflected sunlight. — Glasgow Sunday Herald, 16 January 2000
    5. (US slang) Of music or a sound, harsh"She displays the same love of gnarly fuzztones and shout-it-out-loud choruses that began back in her daze sic with local all-girl rockers the Runaways.Los Angeles Times, 12 October 1986

    Usage notes

    Note the contradictory senses of “good” and “bad”. Meaning varies by community and context, and may be indicated by extra-verbal cues, such as tone of voice. Sense of “good” particularly associated with surf culture, to the point of being somewhat clichéd, as in “gnarly wave, dude!”.


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