• Goo


    • Rhymes: -uː

    Origin 1

    American English, known since 1903, probably from burgoo ("thick porridge") (1787), possibly an alteration of glue.

    Full definition of goo



    1. (uncountable, informal) Any semi-solid or liquid substance; especially one that is sticky, gummy or slippery; frequently of vague or unknown composition, or a bodily fluid.''I stepped in some goo and had a terrible time getting the sticky stuff off my shoes.
    2. Excessive, showy sentimentality''When dad couldn't stand the goo anymore, he stopped Tommy's tearful goodbye from the Swedish au-pair Matts, firmly smacking the boys' pants and grumbling "Now stop the goo or I'll give each of you a reason to cry!"


    1. (transitive) To apply goo to something.''They gooed their hair with some fragrant styling product.

    Origin 2




    (plural goos)
    1. An example of baby talk.''The infant's goos and gahs were endearing.


    1. (intransitive) To produce baby talk.''The baby gooed while daddy made sappy faces at it.
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