• Guillemet


    • IPA: /ˌɡi.(j)É™.ˈme(ɪ)/ or IPA: /ˈgɪl.É™.ËŒmÉ›t/
    • {{1}} IPA: /É¡ij.mÉ›/
    Trésor de la Langue Française (© 2007, Centre National de Ressources Textuelles at Lexicales), § Prononc. et Orth.or IPA: /ɡi.jə.mɛ/ (the /ə/ may be either an epenthetic schwa or a full vowel)


    From French guillemet, diminutive form of the name Guillaume ("William"), after the French typecutter Guillaume Le Bé (1525–1598) who supposedly invented the marks.

    Microsoft Character design standards, Latin 1: Punctuation Design Standards (§ Pointing quotation marks – Guillemets)

    Full definition of guillemet



    (plural guillemets)
    1. Either of the punctuation marks « or
    », used in several languages to indicate passages of speech. Similar to typical quotation marks used in the English language such as “ and ”.
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