2008, Rex Hunt, Fishing Guide to Melbourne and Surrounds, page 44,This area of vast mudflats is right at the top of the port is home to some of the best gummy shark fishing around....As the water drops, the feeding gummies drop off the banks and wait in the channels for food.
(Australia, New Zealand) A sheep that is losing or has lost its teeth.
c 2011, Gabrielle Tan, Different Colour Can Mix True or False?, I opened the fridge to take out my lunch and gave her a gummy. She licked my hand gratefully as I placed the food into the microwave and when it was heated up, she watched me eat and when I was done, she licked my plate happily.
2010, Linda A. Dixon, Cupcakes for Cristina!, Cristina hands him a gummy but holds tight to her cupcake, for she's still working on it, and doesn't want to set it free yet.