• Gynaecomasty


    • IPA: /É¡aɪnɪkəˈmæsti/

    Alternative forms


    From - Ancient Greek μαστός (mastos, "breast").

    Full definition of gynaecomasty



    1. (physiology) The condition of a man developing breasts of a size and functionality of a woman's.
      • 1939: The authors report the case of a 40-year-old man with a predominantly left gynaecomasty who was found to be excreting a consistently high level of Å“strogen — Annales d'Endocrinologie, Doin 1939, p. 287
      • 1995: Apart from the skin lesions there were no abnormalities other than bilateral gynaecomasty for which no cause was detected. — Tropical and Geographical Medicine, Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen 1995, p. 92
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