1837, Thomas Campbell, The poetical works of Thomas Campbell - Page 230:So hallowedly have ye fulfilled your part, My pride repudiates ev'n the sigh that blends With Poland's name — name written on my heart.
1994, Michael Washburn, Transpersonal Psych in Psyc - Page 301:At first, during regeneration in spirit, it finds its way to an enchanted wood, and then, arriving at integration, it breaks into the open and discovers a hallowedly resplendent world.
2000, Kathleen D. Singh, Grace in Dying:The Ground of Being begins to take on the sense, in Washburn's beautiful phrase , of the self's own "hallowedly resplendent home."
2006, Carol Desjarlais, Shhhhhh: A Creation Story - Page 246:She shall be with me, sweetly and hallowedly, for the time it takes for me to fill these pots.