• Handwrite


    hand + write

    Full definition of handwrite


    1. To write something manually, normally used to emphasise that it is not being typed.
      • 2007, December 28, Billie Cohen, Searching for a Caretaker, Whoever you get, whether its the neighbor down the street or somebody you dont know, type or even handwrite exactly what the duties and responsibilities are and have both parties sign it, Mr. Dunn said.
      • 2008, May 30, Felicia R. Lee, Harry Potter Prequel for Charity, The 800-word work (on a paper slightly bigger than a postcard) is one of 13 works submitted by a group of authors that includes Doris Lessing , Tom Stoppard , Margaret Atwood and Nick Hornby , The Associated Press reported. Ms. Rowling used both sides of her card to handwrite the prequel to her seven-book Potter series.


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