• Harem


    • RP IPA: /ˈhɛərÉ™m/


    From Turkish harem, from Arabic حرم (ḥaram, "something prohibited; sanctuary, women"); and later also from حريم with same meaning, both from حرم (ḥaruma, "be forbidden or unlawful"). (Eng. usg. 1623)

    Full definition of harem



    (plural harems)
    1. The private part of an Arab household. In traditional Arab culture, this part of the household was forbidden to male strangers.
    2. A group of women, wives and/or concubines in a polygamous household.
    3. A group of female animals (cows) herded and controlled by a male animal (bull) of that species for breeding purposes. Such behaviour is exhibited by bovids including cattle and buffalo as well as moose, elephants, seals, sea lions, sea elephants.


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