• Heroine



    Via Latin heroina from late Ancient Greek (2nd century) ἡρωΐνη, a feminine equivalent of ἥρως ("hero") "hero, demigod".

    • English from 1650. The sense of "female lead character" is from 1715.

    Full definition of heroine



    (plural heroines)
    1. A female hero.
    2. A female lead character.
      • 1905, w, w:The Case of Miss Elliott Chapter 2, Miss Phyllis Morgan, as the hapless heroine dressed in the shabbiest of clothes, appears in the midst of a gay and giddy throng; she apostrophises all and sundry there, including the villain, and has a magnificent scene which always brings down the house, and nightly adds to her histrionic laurels.



    Derived terms

    Usage notes

    In the sense 1, it is more common to say hero today.

    She is an American hero.

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