• Heterophobia

    Full definition of heterophobia



    1. Fear or resentment of what is different.
      • Zygmunt Bauman, Genocide: an anthropological reader, page 116:Taguieff writes synonimically of racism and heterophobia (resentment of the different). ... Heterophobia seems to be a focused manifestation of a still wider phenomenon of anxiety aroused by the feeling that one has no control over the situation, ...
    2. Fear or resentment of heterosexuals.
      • Abigail Garner, Families Like Mine: Children of Gay Parents Tell It Like It Is, pages 213–214:... a panel of teenagers of LGBT parents ... voiced concern about what they called "heterophobia"—they wished their parents weren't so negative and distrusting of straight people. Even suggesting that heterophobia exists for these children understandably evokes angry and skeptical responses because homo-hostile people have used the same word to support a bogus claim that gay rights discrimination against heterosexuals.
    3. Fear or resentment of the opposite sex.


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