• Hopper


    • UK IPA: /ˈhÉ’p.É™(ɹ)/
    • AusE IPA: /ˈhÉ”p.É™/
    • US IPA: /ˈhÉ‘.pÉš/
    • Rhymes: -É’pÉ™(r)

    Full definition of hopper



    (plural hoppers)
    1. A temporary storage bin, filled from the top and emptied from the bottom, often funnel-shaped.
    2. A funnel-shaped section at the top of a drainpipe used to collect water, from above, from one or more smaller drainpipes.
    3. One who hops.
    4. The immature form of a locust.
    5. The larva of a cheese fly.
    6. An artificial fishing lure.To catch a big fish, use a hopper that jumps across the pond surface.
    7. An escapement lever in a piano; a grasshopper.
    8. (obsolete) The game of hopscotch.
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