Alternative spelling of hours-long: lasting for hours.
1940, September 24, Millions watch legion's parade, Behind the nation's fighting men of today moved the still-jaunty fighting men of 1917 in an hourslong procession.
2002, February, Peter Mehlman, Anxiety is funny. Panic is hard, First-time heart attacks typically occur over a longer period of time, with a slow, sometimes hourslong buildup to the 911 call.
2009, August 21, Katie Zezima, Leah Squires and Eric Traub , As Eric Traub walked Ms. Squires around Cambridge, the two stopped for dinner and dived into an hourslong conversation about their life transitions, social justice, politics and the last decade of their lives.
2009, August 22, Mike Berardino, Players must also excel in the classroom, Of course, not all veterans are scribbling away madly during those hourslong sessions.