1976, Uma Parameswaran, A Study of Representative Indo-English Novelists, ISBN 0706904109, page 81:"The inarticulation of a fond father in an undemonstrative family setting is brought out admirably..."
(education, US) Any point in the educational system in which the development of the individual is hindered.
1937, Fred Engelhardt and Alfred Victor Overn, Secondary Education: Principles and Practiceshttp://books.google.com/books?id=DyraAw_ALUsC, page 124:"Another traditional source of inarticulation is the requirement of an eighth-grade diploma for entrance to high school."
2002, Mad Macz, Internet Underground: The Way of the Hackerhttp://books.google.com/books?id=Q5OHEW8_gysC, page 111:"There are some methods of jargonification that became established quite early... These include verb doubling, sound-alike slang, the '-P' convention, overgeneralization, spoken inarticulations, and anthropomorphization."