1547, Anne Askew, The firſt examinacyon of Anne Aſkewe, But now we muſt belcue that he cometh downe agayn at the wyll of the preſtes, to be inpaned or inbreaded for their bellyes commonwelthe, lyke as be afore came downe, at the wyll of hys heauenlye father, to be incarnated or infleſhed for our vnyuerſall ſowles helth.
1548, Edmund Gheast, A Treatise Againste The Prevee Masse, Semblable through the sayd body be presented in ye bred, howbeit it is not become one person therwith which is properly termed ye impaning or enbreding therof.
1892, Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church, Or, in-breaded God, impanatus Deus.