• Incongruous


    • RP IPA: /ˈɪn.kÉ’n.ɡɹʊu.ÊŒs/ or IPA: /ˈɪn.kÉ’Å‹.ɹʊu.ÊŒs/
    • US IPA: /ɪnˈkÉ‘n.ɡɹu.É™s/ or IPA: /ɪŋˈkÉ‘Å‹.ɡɹu.É™s/


    From Latin incongruus, from in- ("not") + congruus ("congruent").

    Full definition of incongruous



    1. Not similar or congruent; not matching or fitting in.
      • 1853, Charlotte Brontë, Villette, ch. 34:Perhaps he thought me, with my basket of summer fruit, and my lack of the dignity age confers, an incongruous figure in such a scene.
      • Sinclair Jungle|1Ona was blue-eyed and fair, while Jurgis had great black eyes with beetling brows, and thick black hair that curled in waves about his ears—in short, they were one of those incongruous and impossible married couples with which Mother Nature so often wills to confound all prophets.
      • 1912, Jack London, A Son Of The Sunm ch. 1:Ardent suns had likewise tanned his face till it was swarthy as a Spaniard's. The yellow mustache appeared incongruous in the midst of such swarthiness.
    2. (math) Of two numbers, with respect to a third, such that their difference can not be divided by it without a remainder.20 and 25 are incongruous with respect to 4.
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