1885, "Cremation or Burial," New York Times, 18 March (retrieved 10 Sep 2010):"Cremation versus Inhumation" was the subject considered at the meeting of the Nineteenth Century Club at the residence of Mr. Courtlandt Palmer, No. 117 East One Hundred and Seventeenth-street, last evening.
2010, Eti Bonn-Muller, "Dynasty of Priestesses," archaeology.org, 10 March (retrieved 10 Sep 2010):Stampolidis's team has unearthed three types of Iron Age burials at Orthi Petra . . . dating from the ninth to the seventh century B.C.: pithos (large ceramic jar) burials, cremations, and basic inhumations.
The act of burying vessels in warm earth in order to expose their contents to a steady moderate heat; the state of being thus exposed.