• International



    inter- (among, between, amid) + national (having to do with a nation). Reportedly coined in modern English by Jeremy Bentham

    Full definition of international



    1. Of or having to do with more than one nation.
    2. Between or among nations; pertaining to the intercourse of nations; participated in by two or more nations; common to, or affecting, two or more nations.
    3. Of or concerning the association called the International.
    4. Independent of national boundaries; common to all people.
      • 2013-06-07, Joseph Stiglitz, Globalisation is about taxes too, It is time the international community faced the reality: we have an unmanageable, unfair, distortionary global tax regime. It is a tax system that is pivotal in creating the increasing inequality that marks most advanced countries today – with America standing out in the forefront and the UK not far behind.
    5. The atmosphere is an international resource.
      the international community of scholars
    6. Foreign; of another nation.
      an international student



    (plural internationals)
    1. (sports) Someone who has represented their country in a particularly sport.The United team includes five England internationals.
    2. (sports) A game or contest between two or more nations.----
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