• Inventory


    • UK IPA: /ɪnˈvÉ›n.tɹi/
    • US IPA: /ˈɪn.vÉ™n.tÉ”.ɹi/


    From Old French inventoire (French inventaire), from Late Latin inventarium

    Full definition of inventory



    (plural inventories)
    1. (operations) The stock of an item on hand at a particular location or businessDue to an undersized inventory at the Boston outlet, customers had to travel to Providence to find the item.
    2. (operations) a detailed list of all of the items on handThe inventory included several items that one wouldn't normally think to find at a cheese shop.
    3. (operations) the process of producing or updating such a listThis month's inventory took nearly three days.
    4. (role-playing games) A space containing the item available to a character for immediate use.



    1. (transitive, operations) To take stock of the resources or items on hand; to produce an inventory.The main job of the night shift was to inventory the store, and restock when necessary.


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