• Jimmy


    • Rhymes: -ɪmi

    Alternative forms

    Alternative forms

    Full definition of jimmy



    (plural jimmies)
    1. (in the plural only, dialectal, US, usually plural) Chocolate sprinkles used as a topping for ice cream, cookies, or cupcakes.
    2. (slang) A marijuana cigarette.
    3. A device used to circumvent a locking mechanism; a slim-Jim.
    4. (slang) Royal Navy slang for First Lieutenant (Executive Officer)
    5. (US) A jemmy; a crowbar used by burglars to open windows and doors.
    6. (US, slang) A penis.
    7. (US, slang) A condom.
      • 2004, Murad Kalam, Night Journey, Simon & Schuster (2004), ISBN 0743244184, page 158:"The next time you hook up with somebody," Lovie was saying, "you better wear a jimmy, boy. ...
    8. (rare) A male crab; a cock.

    Usage notes

    Using jimmies to refer to chocolate sprinkles is considered offensive in the Southern US.



    1. To pry (something, especially a lock) open with or as if with a crowbar.
      • unknown date Raymond Chandler, "The Big Sleep":''The kitchen window had been jimmied.
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