• Joggle


    • Rhymes: -É’É¡É™l

    Full definition of joggle


    1. (transitive) To shake slightly; to push suddenly but slightly, so as to cause to shake or totter; to jostle; to jog.
    2. (intransitive) To shake or totter; to slip out of place.
    3. To jog or run while juggling.
    4. (architecture, transitive) To join by means of joggles, so as to prevent sliding apart; sometimes, loosely, to dowel.
      • GwiltThe struts of a roof are joggled into the truss posts.



    (plural joggles)
    1. (engineering) A step formed in material by two adjacent reverse bends.
    2. (architecture) A notch or tooth in the joining surface of any piece of building material to prevent slipping.
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