• Jolt


    • IPA: /dÊ’É’lt/
    • Rhymes: -É’lt


    Maybe from Middle English jollen.

    Full definition of jolt


    1. (transitive) To push or shake abruptly and roughly.The bus jolted its passengers.
    2. (transitive) To knock sharply; to deal a blow to.
    3. (transitive) To shock (someone) into taking action or being alert; as, to jolt someone out of complacency
    4. (transitive) To shock emotionally.Her untimely death jolted us all.
    5. (intransitive) To shake; to move with a series of jerks.The bus jolted along the stony path.



    (plural jolts)
    1. An act of jolting.
    2. A surprise or shock.
    3. (slang) A long prison sentence.
    4. (slang) A narcotic injection.

    Coordinate terms

    • (prison sentence) bit
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