• Lamentation


    • UK IPA: /ËŒlæm.É›nˈteɪ.ʃən/, /ËŒlæm.ɪnˈteɪ.ʃən/
    • Rhymes: -eɪʃən


    recorded since 1375, from Latin lamentatio ("wailing, moaning, weeping"), from the deponent verb lāmentor, from lāmentum ("wail; wailing"), itself from a Proto-Indo-European *la- ("to shout, cry"), presumed ultimately imitative. Replaced Old English cwiþan. Lament is a 16th-century back-formation.

    Full definition of lamentation



    (plural lamentations)
    1. The act of lamenting.
    2. A sorrowful cry; a lament.
    3. Specifically, mourning.
    4. lamentatio, (part of) a liturgical Bible text (from the book of Job) and its musical settings, usually in the plural; hence, any dirge
    5. A group of swans.
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