• Lookout

    Full definition of lookout



    (plural lookouts)
    1. A vantage point with a view of the surrounding area.
    2. A person on watch for approaching enemy, police, etc.The raid failed when the lookout noticed the enemy group.
    3. A subject for observation; a prospect or view.
      • 1913, D. H. Lawrence, ,... And, you know, she OUGHT to keep enough to pay for her season-ticket; but no, she comes to me about that, and I have to find the money.""It's a poor lookout," said Mrs. Morel bitterly.
    4. One's perspective, outlook; hence, one's responsibility. (used with a possessive pronoun or a noun in a possessive form).Every man's interest is his own lookout.
      • 1919, William Somerset Maugham, ,"Strickland's painting in my studio.""Well?"..."Strickland can't work with anyone else in the studio.""Damn it all, it's your studio. That's his lookout."


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