• Mahogany


    • UK IPA: /məˈhÉ’É¡É™ni/


    From Spanish mahogani, possibly from a name.

    Full definition of mahogany



    (countable and uncountable; plural mahoganys)
    1. (countable) Any of various tropical American evergreen trees, of the genus , having a valuable hard red-brown wood.
    2. (uncountable) The wood of these trees, mostly used to make furniture.
      • 1963, Margery Allingham, The China Governess Chapter Foreword, A very neat old woman, still in her good outdoor coat and best beehive hat, was sitting at a polished mahogany table on whose surface there were several scored scratches so deep that a triangular piece of the veneer had come cleanly away, .
    3. A reddish-brown color, like that of mahogany wood.
    4. A table made from mahogany wood.
      • 1842, Dublin University Magazine: A Literary and Political JournalPoets eat and drink without stint — and seldom at their own cost — for what man of mark or likelihood in the moneyed world is there, who is not eager to get their legs under his mahogany?



    1. Made of mahogany.
    2. Having the colour of mahogany; dark reddish-brown.


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