• Mardy


    • UK IPA: /ˈmɑːdi/
    • Rhymes: -ɑː(r)di


    Probably from marred + -y.

    Full definition of mardy



    1. (chiefly East Midlands) Sulky or whining.He's a mardy child.
    2. (chiefly East Midlands) Non-co-operative, bad tempered or terse in communication.

    Usage notes

    Used throughout the East Midlands and South Yorkshire, plus other isolated spots in the North.

    In common use in most of Leicestershire, Rutland and the part of Lincolnshire close to these. It is used frequently in the city of Nottingham, throughout Derbyshire, and Derby city particularly. Mardy is also used in the southern part of South Yorkshire and Polesworth (West Midlands).

    Frequently combined with other words forming common phrases such as "mardy bum", "mardy cow" and "mardy bugger" http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/A769250. Sometimes shortened to "mard" particular when used in certain phrases such as "mard arse" or "mard on" (as in "he's got a mard on" to mean he's in a bad mood).

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