• Matter-of-factly


    • RP IPA: /ˈmætÉ™r É™v ˈfækt.li/


    From matter-of-fact + -ly

    Full definition of matter-of-factly



    1. As though stating a fact.
      • 2002 - Sam Williams (American journalist), , Epilogue"I took the liberty of inviting somebody else to have dinner with us," Stallman said, matter-of-factly, giving me the same cat-like smile he gave me back in that Palo Alto restaurant.
    2. As though the situation is normal and not unusual; not dramatically or fancifully.
      • 1934 - Robert E. Howard, He was not of the East; and he came of a breed who fought devils and wizards as promptly and matter-of-factly as they battled human foes.


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