• Mercurochrome



    Full definition of mercurochrome



    (plural mercurochromes)
    1. merbromin
      • 2007, June 8, Cecil Adams, The Straight Dope, While expounding the other day on the lost antiseptic mercurochrome, I mentioned that vaccines once contained an antibacterial and antifungal agent called thimerosal.
      • January 7, Oocyst counts in mosquitoes were made 7 days postinfection on midguts dissected from 30 gravid females and then stained with 0.5% mercurochrome.
      • , Henry Beam Piper, Dearest Chapter , Then the doctor came bustling in, brown-mustached, blue-tied, spectacled, carrying a tan bag, and behind him followed the two ambulance men, one with a thatch of flaming red hair and the other with a stain of mercurochrome on his jacket-sleeve.
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