• Middlings





    (plurale tantum)
    1. (cooking) Low grade or coarse flour; coarse wheat mixed with bran.
      • 1917, Carl William Larson, Fred Silver Putney, Dairy cattle feeding and management, page 95,Buckwheat middlings is a fairly good feed for dairy cows, being far superior to buckwheat bran.
    2. (cooking, chiefly Southern US) The part of a pig between the shoulder and the ham.
    3. (business) Partially refined ore or petroleum.
      • 1924, Supreme Court of the United States, ,The product described in the earlier contract is:'All the zinc sulphide crude ore, zinc sulphide concentrates and zinc sulphide middlings, shipped from Midvale, Utah, Kennett, Cal., or any other point by or under the control of the seller during the period of this agreement.'
    4. (business) Commodities that are of intermediate price, size or quality.
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