• Misnomer


    • RP IPA: /mɪsˈnəʊmÉ™/
    • US IPA: /mɪsˈnoÊŠmÉš/
    • Rhymes: -əʊmÉ™(r)


    From Anglo-Norman mesnomer, noun use of Anglo-Norman and Old French verb mesnomer ("to name incorrectly"), from mes- ("mis-") + nomer ("to name") (from Latin nōmināre).

    Full definition of misnomer



    (plural misnomers)
    1. A use of a term that is misleading; a misname.Calling it a driveway is a bit of a misnomer, since you don't drive on it, you park on it.
    2. A term that is misleading.Chinese checkers is a misnomer since the game has nothing to do with China.
    3. A term whose sense in common usage conflicts with a technical sense.

    Usage notes

    The term misnomer is sometimes used autologically as "something asserted not to be true; a myth or mistaken belief", as in the following example:

    It's a misnomer that engineers can't write.



    1. (transitive) To use a misleading term; to misname.
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