• Mulch


    • IPA: /mÊŒltʃ/


    Probably from Middle English melsche, molsh ("soft"), from Old English melsc, milisc ("mellow, mild").

    Full definition of mulch



    (countable and uncountable; plural mulchs)
    1. (uncountable, agriculture) Shredded vegetable (or occasionally mineral) matter used to cover the top layer of soil to protect, insulate, or decorate it, or to discourage weeds or retain moisture.An organic mulch is a mulch made of natural substances such as leaves or grass clippings.
    2. (countable, agriculture) A material used as mulch, as a decorative redwood bark mulch.


    1. (agriculture) To apply mulch.Mulch your vegetable garden to retain moisture and keep weeds down.
    2. (agriculture) To turn into mulch.I decided to mulch the grass clippings.
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