• Multiplier


    Full definition of multiplier



    (plural multipliers)
    1. (arithmetic) A number by which another (the multiplicand) is to be multiplied.In the expression 5 × 7, the "5" is a multiplier.The score multiplier increases each time you complete a level of the video game.
    2. (grammar) An adjective indicating the number of times something is to be multiplied.English multipliers include "double" and "triple".
    3. (economics) A ratio used to estimate total economic effect for a variety of economic activities.
    4. (physics) Any of several devices used to enhance a signal
      1. (physics, obsolete) a coil; when Johann Schweigger in 1820 invented the electric coil, increasing the electro-magnetic field from a single wire, this invention was called a multiplier.
    5. A multiplier onion.
      • 1995, Marian Coonse, Onions, Leeks and Garlic: A Handbook for Gardeners (page 52)Shallots are the most prolific of all the multipliers, and easier to grow than onions.
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