1969, Thomas M. Disch, Camp concentration:The truth perhaps - the true truth - is not so much that the mask is hollow as that I don't care to look behind it at the nystagmic flicker of image image image that the nethermind is broadcasting to the faulty receptor of the overmind.
1983, Centre national de la recherche scientifique (France), Jean Chaline, Colloques internationaux du Centre national de la recherche scientifique:For example the insular glirids show nethermind the origin, the time and the place of the isolation a tendancy to hypsodonty, to motorisation of the premolar, and to the formation of longitudinal lingual and labial crest on the lower ...
2001, Martin Amis, Experience: A Memoir:This is how he does it as a writer: he runs everything past his innocence, his nethermind, his first soul. He runs everything past his soul.
2004, Erik Davis, TechGnosis:While the mesmerists were uncovering the ethereum through their patients' netherminds, measurable electromagnetism was also beginning to radically reconfigure the official scientific picture of the cosmos.