• Octopuslike


    octopus + -like

    Full definition of octopuslike



    1. Resembling or characteristic of an octopus.
      • 1961, Victor Appleton, Tom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung Chapter , The divers grappled each other in an octopuslike duel.
      • 2004, July 9, Fred Camper, Living in a Dream World, A white octopuslike beast is described as something that escapes when the ice thaws to collect "escaped spirits until the next frost"; a hulking presence in the painting, it's rendered even more alarming by the diagram, in which it looms over the silhouetted man.
      • 2007, December 7, James Barron, Bigger Cars, Flip-Up Seats, Poetry: How Riders Would Run a Subway, The agency announced plans yesterday to subdivide the octopuslike system and make the manager of each line responsible for everything on that line, from bunched-together trains to unintelligible public-address announcements.
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