• Onto

    Alternative forms

    • on to UK, Ireland and Commonwealth countries including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa etc

    Full definition of onto


    1. Upon; on top of.
      • 2013-06-22, Engineers of a different kind, Private-equity nabobs bristle at being dubbed mere financiers. Piling debt onto companies’ balance-sheets is only a small part of what leveraged buy-outs are about, they insist. Improving the workings of the businesses they take over is just as core to their calling, if not more so. Much of their pleading is public-relations bluster.
    2. My cat just jumped onto the keyboard.
    3. (informal) Aware of.(The thought-police were onto my plans of World domination.)
    4. (mathematics) Being an onto function with a codomain of (see below).
      The exponential function maps the set of real numbers onto the set of positive real numbers.



    1. (mathematics, of a function) Assuming each of the values in its codomain; having its range equal to its codomain.Considered as a function on the real numbers, the exponential function is not onto.



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