• Oomph


    • IPA: /ÊŠmf/, /umf/

    Full definition of oomph



    (countable and uncountable; plural oomphs)
    1. (informal, uncountable) Strength, power, passion or effectiveness; clout.Use a mild cleanser, but pick something with enough oomph to do the job.
      • 1982, Douglas Adams, Life, the Universe and Everything, chapter 30"Yes, well they're finding it difficult, sir. They are afflicted with a certain lassitude. They're just finding it hard to get behind the job. They lack oomph."
    2. (informal, uncountable) Sex appeal.
      • 1974, John le Carré, Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy, chapter 28'Come to think of it, the girl looked a bit like Ann,' Jerry reflected. 'Foxy, know what I mean? Garbo eyes, lots of oomph.'
    3. (countable) A bassy grunting or thudding sound.


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